Evil: The Devil Made Me Do It Satan is the only explanation that seems to make sense anymore. Essays today are dominated by writers trying to make sense of the ubiquitous evil we see daily in every direction we look. Catholic priests are debauching altar boys, cardinals are being defrocked for sexual improprieties, nearly every world leader is being replaced by authoritarian bullies who light their cigars with rolled-up copies of the 10 Commandments. The US empire no longer promotes the pretense of being the guys in the white hats. We are the bully on the block, and pay us our demanded homage or die. We do not even care which choice you make - we win either way. Erdogan, Putin, Trump, Duterte, Bolnosaro, Kim Jung very Ill. They are all megalomaniacs hell-bent on self-destruction and taking us all with them. Doubtless, the vast majority of readers, like myself, were taught as children about the Devil, and how Satan was a fallen ang...